• Crafting work

    I went from working behind a computer for 25 years to a cross-country pandemic adventure. From Florida to Texas, to Colorado and Arizona (and everywhere between) I will forever be grateful for the four fun, exciting, and tough years in that old bus. I was also able to express a creative side that I was…

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Some Deep Thoughts

“We’re not just living in time; we’re co-creating it. The past, present, and future – our choices sculpt the flow.”

“Every time you make a decision, you’re collapsing infinite possibilities into one reality. We are the authors of time itself.”

“Consciousness might be the only true reality, and everything else is just a projection of its limitless potential.”

“What if every thought, intention, and desire sends ripples across the universe, subtly shifting the entire fabric of reality?”

“Maybe the reason we seek purpose is that the universe itself is driven by a teleological force, and we are echoes of that purpose.”

“What if time doesn’t move forward at all, but rather, we move through different layers of a dynamic tapestry of existence?”

“Chaos and order are not opposites but dance partners. What seems random might be the universe’s way of hiding its deepest intentions.”

“Our reality is an interplay of intention, hidden variables, and purpose-driven forces, meaning every surprise might be exactly what was needed all along.”

“What if your life is not a single timeline but the intersection of countless other lives and timelines, all woven together by purpose?”

“Perhaps the mind is not a product of the universe, but the universe is a product of the mind.”

“Every moment is a choice between infinite parallel universes. Reality isn’t linear; it’s a multidimensional web, and we’re constantly weaving it.”

“We look out at the stars as if they’re distant, but what if they’re just reflections of forgotten parts of ourselves?”

“The universe is not a place but a process, and you are a unique manifestation of that process, with a role only you can play.”

“Consciousness is not confined to the brain. It’s a field that extends beyond us, connecting every living being like notes in a symphony.”

“What we perceive as solid matter is mostly empty space. If you remove all the space between particles, humanity could fit inside a sugar cube. Yet, we’re vast beyond measure in consciousness.”

“You are both the dreamer and the dream. Every time you wake, you’re just shifting from one layer of reality to another.”

“What if the universe is not just observing us but learning from us, adjusting its rules as we discover them?”

“When you look deep into someone’s eyes, you’re peering into the same consciousness that’s animating you. We’re just different reflections of the same infinite source.”

“The unknown parts of our minds could be the edges of other dimensions brushing up against our conscious awareness.”

“If everything is interconnected, then even the smallest act of kindness echoes across the universe in ways we can’t imagine.”

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